"Future Capital Market" LLC was established on July 8th, 2005. On the same year the Company has applied to the RA Securities Committee for a license, for realizing brokerage (dealer) activities in the securities market. Upon RA Securities Committee's decision number 170/05 dated 05.08.2005, the Company's license application was satisfied and it was granted a BG 0055 license for brokerage (dealer) activities. In accordance with the RA legislation on Securities market, adopted on 20.10.2007, on 04.06.2008 the Company applied to the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia for re-registration and re-licensing as an investment company. Upon RA Central Bank's decision 050.0121COH dated 27.06.2008, "Future Capital Market" LLC has re-registered and re-licensed as an Investment Company and has been granted a NY 0004 license for providing investment services.