The Company, on its name and on the client’s account, or, on the name of the client and on the client’s account, based on the price, volume and time conditions, defined in the order given by the client, realizes purchase/sale of securities, as well as any other activity related to trading of securities (in accordance with a contract on investment services provision concluded between the Company and the client).
Before submitting the order, the client shall provide the Company with:
- in case of a legal entity – the copies of the charter, the state registration certificate, the passport of the head of the executive body, or the document verifying the authority of the person authorized to make orders on behalf of the legal entity (if an authorization is needed), and the passport copy of the person making the order.
- in case of an individual – only the passport copy.
- in case of sales orders – a document certifying the ownership of securities to be sold.
Transactions are concluded by the Company not only in the Stock Exchange (in accordance with the Rules defined by the Stock Exchange), but outside the Stock Exchange as well, by order defined in the RA Legislation.
Terms of Investment Services Provision
Investment Services Provision Terms can be found in the investment services provision contract sample presented below.
Timeframes of Investment Services Provision Contracts
Investment services provision contracts can be concluded by the Company for a period of up to two years, which is conditioned by the client’s investment goals (strategy).
The Order of Returning the Means of the Client in Case of Termination of the Concluded Investment Services Provision Contract
Investment services provision contract may be unilaterally terminated by the client, with an at least 10 days prior notice to the Company. Within 3 business days after the termination of the contract, the Company must transfer to the client the securities and means belonging to the latter. This right of the client cannot be limited by the contract.
THE CLIENT SHALL BEAR THE RISKS related to investment in securities in case of conclusion of transactions in accordance with the terms defined in the order. «Future Capital Market Ltd» SHALL NOT COMPENSATE the client’s losses, if they were not inflicted as a result of a negligent conduct of the Company. Other additional expenses related to the transactions shall be carried out by the client.